Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Questions from Friday

All great questions! I've answered the "business" questions below, and for the theoretical ones, I'll post just the questions for a few days, so that you can add follow-up questions or comments. I'll come back to them next week and add my own thoughts about them.

You said we only worry about foreign _speech_ exposure, but what if we had a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and both parents were deaf and the child stayed at home. Would we get accurate information from them or how would that work.

That's a great question! In similar cases in the past, we've brought the baby in anyway and made a note of it. Although it's likely that this child will not get as much speech exposure as other kids, all of their exposure is to English, and thus they count as "non-contaminated". (Sigh... so sad to be bilingual and say things like that...)

What will the schedule look like for the Mondays we will open the lab for scheduling purposes?

Another good question! I posted a tentative schedule below our regular one. Schedule babies half hour after the first person comes in, and half hour before we close. That would be 9-4:30 on 10/20 and 10/27, and 10-4:30 on 11/3.

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